Today dist : 81.5 km Total : 2386.9 km
Today Temp : 10 -18 C Cloudy all day
Ride time: 5 hr 01 min
Ave speed : 16.2 kmh Max :44.5
Ave climb: 2 % Max: 11 %
Trip alti : 192 m Max: 70 m
Today spend : 2596 yen Total : 52342 yen
Yesterday midnight rain which lasted until 9.30 morning before i can finally roll out, and the sky is still cloudy with fog,but not so cold at 11c . The terrain going into the sea coast is mostly flat for me to ride at a comfortable pace of 15-20 kmh. At Mukawa in the Selcomart,i managed to get a free call to my fellow Malaysian Zhen Sheng who further his study in Muroran,which is about 100 km from Mukawa. So arrangement had been made to meet up at 4 pm tomorrow after his class in Higashi Muroran train station. So now i have to rush to find somewhere in the middle to camp in order to shorten the distance for tomorrow. Tomakomai is a big city with very long stretch of street and no possibility for a place to camp, so i continued further until Shiraoi where there is a campsite indicated in the map, 3 km away from the main road. As i was setting up my tent on one of the chalet, one man came and demanded for passport,and then he requested a fee of 1050 yen. Its ok for me as long as he don't chase me out. By the way, this is the 2nd time i am paying to camp of so many that i had camped.
Shiraoi Paid Camp ( 1050 yen ) |