Today Distance :47.0 km Total: 790.5 km
Today weather :19 -24c cooling all day
Time on Bike :2 hr 49 min
Ave speed :16.6 kmh Max 49.5 kmh
Ave Climb : 2% Max 6%
Trip Altitude : 242m Max : 124 m
Today spend : 700 yen Total : 700 yen
The flight from Busan landed in Tokyo Narita at 2100 hr and clearing the immigration is very strict, all my stuffs had to went thru the scanning machine again before i am being allowed to enter Japan. Once everything is clear, the next thing on my to do list is to find a sleeping corner, and i saw many people already occupying some of the seating chairs as bed. So i guess it should be ok for me to do the same, i will have 5-6 hr of sleep before my next flight to Hokkaido on Airasiajapan scheduled on next day 0715hr. When i woke up at 5.30 am, I saw many people already started checking in, so quickly i have to prepare myself for another check in process of weighing the bike box, scanning...again, luckily everything was ok though a bit of troublesome,but overall Japanese staffs are well trained and always serving with a smile. The flight took less than 2 hrs and I was already in Hokkaido Chitose Airport by 9 morning, now come the time to assemble the bike, and i wheeled the trolley to one quiet corner outside the airport, I have enough time as my warmshower in Atsubetsu, near Sapporo, told me to come after 3 pm and his house is only 45 km away from the airport. After a solid 2.5 hr of assembling, tested and fine tuning, finally I am set to ride off at 12 30pm. My warmshower host Kenichi did provide a link to show the road to his house, but without a gps and a hardcopy map, it was not and easy job, I lost count of how many times i had to confirm and reconfirm by stopping to ask for direction, and i really appreciate the Japanese attitude in helping a foreign cyclist with their very limited english. Nevertheless, I still managed to arrive Kenichi and Hsiu-Hsia house in Atsutbetsu by 4.30pm, and Hsiu-Hsia was at home to welcome me while Kenichi still not back from work. They have a cute little girl named Aki. Hsiu-Hsia original from Taiwan cooked a delicious dinner for me,and a nice bedroom.Thank you so much for your hospitality.
From Kimchi now to Sushi |
From Kimchi now to Sushi |
From Kimchi now to Sushi |
Welcome to Hokkaido, certainly all the way from Malaysia |
Bike assembling outside the Chitose airport |
On the way to Atsubesu,near Sapporo |
On the way to Atsubesu,near Sapporo |
Lawson convenient shop |
Park toilet to ease myself |
Nice park |
My warmshower in Atsubesu Kenichi,Hsiu-Hsia and daughter Aki |
My room so clean and warm |
Good to see you arrived hokkaido safety..
ReplyDeleteBy the way, just for some very little information..
In Hokkaido, Seicomart convenient store is selling the most cheapest things among other convenient store.. hope you enjoy the weather and land of hokkaido :D..
Thanks Jensen, Selcomart seems to dominated the convenient store market in Hokkaido than their rivals 7-11 and Lawson